and Bring & Brag
Scrappy Ladies Quilt Guild Minutes – February 10, 2025
Call to order at 10 a.m. by Cheri. There were 28 members present.
A thought of the day was shared by Tracy.
The Treasurer's report was given by Margaret. We currently have a balance of $3102.74.
The Raffle account balance is $2268.50. Cheri reported that she is still trying to clear up the problems with the state of Colorado and our Raffle license. Mary Lou has completed the test required by the state and will be taking over as soon as everything is straightened out. For 2025 we will have an in-house raffle only. Each member must buy $10 in tickets starting in March.
Carolyn has a quilt top that was made by former member, Sandy Kline, that will be completed for our raffle quilt. If anyone has any other fundraising ideas, please contact Cheri.
Carolyn has three spots left for our upcoming retreat. This year's dates are September 23–26, 2025 (3 nights).
Our March meeting will be a sew day. We will be making the Winner's Circle curved quilt. You will need to have all of your fabrics cut out before the meeting. We will have a short meeting before we start our projects. We will also be having a pot-luck lunch. Patterns are $25 and Cheri still has several left.
Charity Quilts. Vicki read a thank you card from Jan Vail at the Sangre De Cristo Youth Center. Suggestions for this year were fleece throws again or a fleece quillow. Deb has a pattern that requires 2 ¼ to 2 ½ yards that we can use. Vicki currently has 5 quilts and will be giving one of them to Jan Vail as she has cancer.
Cathy reminded us that the deadline for entering the Pride City Quilt show is March 17, 2025, and the fee is $8 per entry.
Nancy reported that we have 41 members as of today. Be sure to pay your membership fee before signing up for retreat.
Bring and brag was held. Today's program was our Scrappy Ladies Flea Market.